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The Focus of Our Efforts



Connecting Women

Every woman deserves a chance to change her world. Mentoring offers adolescent girls and young women  the opportunity to channel their aspirations toward positive change for themselves and those around them. We facilitate mentoring sessions with established women to inspire  adolescent girls into their full potential. 

SGBV Prevention

Towards non-violence

Everyone including women and girls have the right to live free form violence. Our work focuses on violence prevention using the lens of power by targeting harmful practices and societal norms around SGBV. While changing behaviour is difficult and rigorous, we believe it is  gradual and possible. We start by examining our own interaction with power, our beliefs and behaviour  then modelling the behaviour we want to see in the community. With persistence and patience, we will see the change we want!


Advanced SRHR

Access! Access!

Every woman has the right to body autonomy including sexual and reproductive rights.We work towards improving access to SRHR information and services by adolescent girls and young women in the community. Our programs focus on education on these matters and identifying credible services that ensure women and girls can exercise their right to body autonomy.

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